What to Expect When Hiring a Custom Brand Designer

April 15, 2021

It’s officially time… time for your business to stand out and rise to the top, that is! You’re ready to be different, be noticed, and be adored by your dream client or customer from square numero uno. My friend, you’re ready for a custom brand.

But wait! Deciding to brand your business shouldn’t be taken lightly. It requires deep reflection, open collaboration, and a real commitment to your goals. Because once you say “yes” to going through this process with us, you’re in for one transformative ride. In the best possible way.

We’re brand designers, yes. But we’re also brand coaches and consultants who are going to challenge and push you to make the best possible decisions for your business. When we partner with you, we take ownership over what we are trying to achieve together. Your goals become our goals, and your wins become our wins. 

Here’s how the magic works…

What to expect when hiring a custom brand designer, custom brand design, custom website design, website and branding, artistic branding, cool branding, The Blog Stop

Pre-Project: Let’s Chat

First things first, we’ll determine whether or not you’re ready for the process. The last thing we want is for you to dive in before the timing is right. Our only goal is to help you further your goals, and if we can’t do that, we’ll be upfront about it.

How can you be sure you’re ready before we hop on a call? Here are some great questions to answer for yourself first:

  • What kind of products/services do you sell (or want to sell)?
  • How do you plan on making money? 
  • Who are you selling to?
  • What are the goals for the business? 

Of course, we will help you flesh out a lot of this in Phase 1, but having some solid ideas in mind (it’s your venture, after all!) will get the party started right.

Phase 1: Exploration Assignments

What to expect when hiring a custom brand designer, custom brand design, custom website design, website and branding, artistic branding, cool branding, The Blog Stop

Once we’ve officially signed on to work together, the fun begins! You’ll receive instructions for completing several Exploration Assignments. This phase includes a lot of information gathering that helps us understand you, your business, and your dreamiest goals.

We’ll ask thought-provoking questions, request that you create a few curated Pinterest boards, and invite you to share any other inspiration that would be helpful when designing your custom brand.

Inside Tip: I know this phase is exciting, and you might be tempted to rush through the Exploration Assignments… but resist! Take your time. Sleep on your thoughtful answers and decisions. Let them age like a fine wine (okay, maybe not that long) before sending them our way. It makes a difference. 😉

Phase 2: Brand Strategy

Before we ever start designing, we will take you through a high-level brand strategy process – and if you think this is just about aesthetics, guess again. A brand strategy, at its heart, is a business strategy. 

To create a brand aligned with your offerings, short-term goals, and long-term dreams, we have to get to know them. Together, we’ll dive deep into your business goals and how we are going to help you reach them. We’ll talk about your audience and how your brand can stand out and inspire them to listen and connect. 

We’ll take these insights behind the scenes to create your strategic and 100% unique brand strategy. We beautifully document it all for you into a Brand Carryall that you can reference, frame (only slightly kidding), or share with any team members to keep everyone aligned and, of course, on brand!

Once the brand strategy is set, it becomes the design direction we take into Phase 3…

Phase 3: Brand & Website Design 

What to expect when hiring a custom brand designer, custom brand design, custom website design, website and branding, artistic branding, cool branding, The Blog Stop

We’ve finally made it to the Design Phase! Our team will find meaning and intention in the things that make you different, and we’ll create an entire branded experience around your strategy and visual presence. This comes through in your logo suite, colors, patterns, fonts, website design, and any other collateral pieces that we’re creating. 

For the most part, you won’t see our team working creatively behind the scenes… the dozens of designs we go through before finalizing your concepts… the hours of coffee and excited a-ha! moments. But let me tell you — it’s such a rush! (Picture magic dust everywhere!)

Don’t worry, we won’t keep our creations to ourselves. This phase will include sharing our concepts with you, gathering your feedback, and fine-tuning elements until they are exactly what you dreamed your brand could be… and so much more.

Step 4: Launch!

The big day has arrived… your website and brand are ready to be launched and received with applause, acclaim, and why not a standing ovation? Mic drop.

Before we free you into the wild, we’ll show you how to use everything we’ve created for you, from your brand palette and fonts to your website’s dashboard and features. We truly want you to continue to use, grow, and evolve everything we’ve created together.

Once we’re confident that you have everything you need, it’s time… launch, baby, launch!

What to expect when hiring a custom brand designer, custom brand design, custom website design, website and branding, artistic branding, cool branding, The Blog Stop

Are you ready for a custom brand that feels 100% you?

You know we’re here for you, and we LOVE what we do. Book a discovery call with us today, and let us help you take the world by storm. 😉
