You know I could talk all day about the benefits of a great brand, but why listen to me when you could hear it from the mouth of one of our clients? Exactly! The Case Study I’m sharing with you today includes stats, stories, laughs, and a look at the real results experienced by one of our clients, Jaquilyn Edwards of Ochre & Beige.
Case Study Snapshot: Brand Strategy & Website Design

Business: Ochre & Beige
Client: Jaquilyn Edwards
Project Scope: Brand strategy, logo design, website design, marketing collateral
Investment: 5 figures
Project Start: April 1st, 2020
Project Launch: September 1st, 2020
Case Study: March 1st, 2021
Ochre & Beige’s Success Stats 6 Months Later:
- Raised prices by 25%-50%
- Nearly doubled client roster within 6 months
- Monthly revenue increased 50% within 3 months
- Recouped total investment within 3 months
- Growth from 2 to 5 team members in 5 months
Oh my gosh, you guys… these numbers! When Jaquilyn shared these with me, I was floored. I mean, I can believe them because I’ve watched her business explode, but when you see the stats laid out like that? AHH. It feels so satisfying and rewarding and incredible.
Six months after our official launch, I asked Jaquilyn if she would do a Q&A with me about her experience, and she said yes. I hope you enjoy our little informal interview as much as I did! Grab your favorite drink and come join us…
Interview with Jaquilyn Edwards of Ochre & Beige
Ariel: Heyyyy, girl! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me. Why don’t you start by telling us a little about your business and what you do?
Jaquilyn: Thanks for inviting me! Okay, yes. So, I’m the founder and Creative Director of Ochre & Beige. We’re a copywriting studio for interior designers. Our specialty is content strategy, monthly ‘ghost’ blogging for our clients, lead magnets, nurture sequences, you name it.
But what we ultimately do — as my rebrand with you made me realize — is help these interior designers get out of the weeds and have more time and freedom in their businesses and lives. Most of our clients are women, like us, who are chasing their passions, carving their own paths, and supporting their families. Being able to help them is a mission that’s close to my heart.

Ariel: Amazing. I love it. When we started working together, I remember connecting with that message right away. Also, just for fun before we start, why don’t you tell everyone where you’re living right now?
Jaquilyn: [Laughs] I live in Switzerland.
Ariel: You guys, she’s in Switzerland. On our first call together, you told me the whole story of how you started your business in the U.S. three years prior, fell in love while traveling, moved abroad, and now look at you — married, living in the Alps, and running an international business!
Jaquilyn: Well, it’s always more glamorous when you say it like that, but it’s true. I’ve been really fortunate to see my vision board come to life after so many years. And honestly, it’s only gotten better and better since the rebrand last year. So thank you for that.
Ariel: You’re so welcome! Let’s talk about how that branding experience was for you. Do you remember why you felt it was the time to rebrand your business? Was there anything you were struggling with in particular?
Jaquilyn: Can we pull up the initial ‘Exploration Assignments’ you had me complete? Juuust kidding. I remember that a lot of emotions and struggles were kind of colliding all at once in my business. The biggest one was this gut feeling that my business was on the verge of greatness, but that I was the one holding it back.
At the time, I was approaching my 3-year mark. I had DIY’d everything up to that point, and it was good enough, but it wasn’t next-level. It wasn’t special or memorable. And in an industry where aesthetics matter, I felt that if I wasn’t standing out, I was falling short.
The final piece was feeling too close to my business to see it clearly. I felt scattered, at a loss for words (which is saying something for a writer), and in desperate need of an outside perspective. So yeah, it was time.

Ariel: YES. Exactly. I hear those same words from so many business owners who come to us. It’s like there’s this little voice that tells you it’s time to rise up and do something bold and different. Was that choice scary for you at all? Or did you feel ready to jump in head first?
Jaquilyn: Oh gosh, it was super scary. At the time, I thought it was the investment that scared me the most. As my husband pointed out, I could have bought a car with that money! [Laughs] We still joke about it, but to this day, it is the most money I’ve ever spent on anything. Making that decision terrified me.
Looking back, I think I was also afraid of the pressure it would put on me to succeed. Investing in your business is investing in yourself, and that can be just as intimidating!
Ariel: Gahhh… so true. I had some of the same thoughts when I hired my business coach a couple years ago. What made you decide to go for it anyway?
Jaquilyn: I think it was part logic, part emotion. The logical side of me knew that I wasn’t really ‘spending’ like I would on a car. It was an investment that my business would get back eventually. I just didn’t know how long I’d have to wait. Only 3 months, as it turned out! On the emotional side, I think I instinctively knew that if I wanted to reach that next level, this was the way.

Ariel: This is totally gratuitous, but I have to ask… why did you decide to pick The Blog Stop specifically?
Jaquilyn: Of course, you can ask. Actually, I don’t think I ever told you this, but I didn’t even bother shopping around for a brand designer or comparing businesses. After we digitally met through our mutual client, I was so impressed with your work that I basically stalked you on Instagram until the time was right to work together. Creeper alert!
But as for a specific thing… I remember telling my husband (during the ‘car’ conversation, of course) that I knew you could create a brand and website for me that wouldn’t look like anyone else’s. They would feel like an extension of me. That was so meaningful to me.
Ariel: I think we succeeded.
Jaquilyn: Absolutely. I love everything about what you and your team have created, and I’ve gotten so many compliments on it, too. It feels upleveled, professional, and like a beautiful expression of everything that is important to me and my clients.
Ariel: Speaking of your clients, has it changed anything on the internal side of your business? I know we designed some collateral for you, too, like the Client Welcome Guide. How’s that going? Have you seen any response?
Jaquilyn: Oh yeah, it’s been night and day. We never got complaints about our previous experience and have always had high retention, but now that I’ve extended the brand across every touchpoint with our clients, I see the difference. I can tell that they feel more cared for and that they appreciate being part of something more creative, polished, and strategic.
Ariel: I love that, and it’s so important. I think that’s a side of business that gets easily overlooked.
Jaquilyn: I agree. Actually, I always thought branding was about my marketing and bringing clients into the business, but now I know how much deeper it goes. I’m finally just as proud of my own business’s content and client experience as I am of the content we create for others!
Ariel: Yesss. That’s incredible. I’m so glad, and it’s been ah-mazing watching your success unfold. You’re killing it! You had also mentioned to me that there were some other unexpected results from our work together. Do you want to share a bit about that?
Jaquilyn: Definitely. So, I knew that a rebrand would help us get more clients, allow me to raise prices, increase revenue, etc., etc. But what I didn’t expect was how I would feel after, and how the process itself — not just the results — would change me as a business owner and as a person.
Ariel: How so?

Jaquilyn: It absolutely transformed my self-perception and confidence. I’ve evolved as a person, as a service provider, and as the leader of my business. I now have time and make time to develop leadership skills, get creative, and step up as a thought leader in my industry. I could go on and on here, but it’s been… everything. I feel limitless potential, and… I am SO much happier!
Ariel: Aww, I’m getting teary. I couldn’t be happier for you, and your story is so powerful. People need to hear it! Okay, last question, I promise… cats or dogs?
Jaquilyn: [Laughs] Dogs, of course! Pretty sure your pup, Panda, was present for all of our meetings. And Panda’s cousin that one time.
Ariel: Panda says thank you. [Laughs] Okay, we’ll wrap it up here, but thanks again for sharing your story with everyone. We are all wishing you continued success!
Jaquilyn: Thanks, Ariel. You’re the best!
Okay, isn’t Jaquilyn great? I am ob-sessed with her story and her business, and she’s not at all a one-off case. A custom brand can transform a business from the inside out, and from the outside in.
If you’re ready to stand out from the crowd and reach the next level, let’s talk, my friend. I can’t wait to support you on your rise to the top.